
Monde Triste Malade Photographies Aleatoire L'Information

The White Stripes
In The Cold, Cold Night

I saw you standing in the corner
On the edge of a burning light
I saw you standing in the corner
Come to me again in the cold, cold night
You make me feel a little older
Like a full grown woman might
But when you're gone I grow colder
Come to me again in the cold, cold night
I see you walking by my front door
I hear the creaking of the kitchen floor
I don't care what other people say
I'm going to love you, anyway
Come to me again in the cold, cold night
I can't stand it any longer
I need the fuel to make my fire burn bright
So don't fight it any longer
Come to me again in the cold, cold night
And I know that you feel it too
When my skin turns into glue
You will know that it's warm inside
And you'll come run to me, in the cold, cold night



Walls rundown the sides

through the mind into a sea of morphing thoughts

pain. the bearer so fragile

so breakable and yet still unbroken

still pristine

the mistakes bear witness to no sorrow

no regret

who said it was all in the name?

the little flowers acrylic, blue

on the canvas that she strokes

blank not white

but grey


By: Claudia 05



I dreaded that first Robin, so,
But He is mastered, now,
I'm some accustomed to Him grown,
He hurts a little, though

I thought if I could only live
Till that first Shout got by—
Not all Pianos in the Woods
Had power to mangle me

I dared not meet the Daffodils
For fear their Yellow Gown
Would pierce me with a fashion
So foreign to my own

I wished the Grass would hurry
So when 'twas time to see
He'd be too tall, the tallest one
Could stretch to look at me

I could not bear the Bees should come,
I wished they'd stay away
In those dim countries where they go,
What word had they, for me?

They're here, though; not a creature failed
No Blossom stayed away
In gentle deference to me
The Queen of Calvary

Each one salutes me, as he goes,
And I, my childish Plumes,
Lift, in bereaved acknowledgement
Of their unthinking Drums

Emily Dickenson

Pictures desend from calloused cages

belittle, belittle

casting forward all but purity

all but sanctuary

who is this person on the otherside of the wall?

who are you? to touch the brick from oneside

does it feel the same on the other?

helplessly thinking that another could exist

such like myself in a way that they could feel

feel emotion as not a river, but a fountain

feel despair as not a punishment, but a lesson

to trully trust the feeling that someone else is on the otherside

to know

to enlighten a darker shadow

to know it's eyes that stare death upon you

to know that there is another being

on the otherside


By: Claudia 05







The Depression leaks into the fountain of memories

, polluting all that you used to know...tainting everything that was once...pure